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KenWhitten DavidBurton

KenWhitten DavidBurton

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Endorsement by Pastor Nick Garland

Endorsement by Pastor Nick Garland

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Ted Traylor DBM Endorsement

Ted Traylor DBM Endorsement

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Mac Brunson DBM video mp4

Mac Brunson DBM video mp4

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Nick Garland (ret.)

Pastor First Baptist Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Dr. Ken Witten

Idlewild Baptist Church

Mac Bruson

Former Pastor - First Baptist Church Jacksonville, FL / Pastor Valleydale Church Birmingham, AL

Ted Traylor

Olive Baptist Church

Pastor Nick Garland

Broken Arrow Baptist Church; Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Every pastor has written lots of letters in his ministry and for a wide variety of reasons. This one is written for a long time, personal friend who is the most vibrant soul-winner I have ever known. David Burton and I met over 40 years ago and he has never slowed down or wavered in his desire to see people saved. He continues to be a passionate evangelist, teacher, preacher, trainer, and seminar leader. His ministry with churches and pastors across the years has made him a pastor’s friend and a person that is invited back to the churches where he speaks. The people love David’s spirit and his zeal for Christ!

Some men have great information but poor delivery. Others have great excitement but shallow content. When the LORD framed David Burton, he gave him enthusiasm that is contagious, the boldness of a New Testament apostle, and the ability to communicate that will make the message clear to all that hear him. He has practical, exciting and effective methods that give people multiple ways to readily tell the good news of the Gospel.

Wherever David has served, he has made a lasting impact on the hearers. Because of that and the fact that he is teaching out of his life style consistency in evangelism hundreds of people have become zealous in the work of personal evangelism. Multitudes have entered the Kingdom through their conversion because of this one man’s fervor to inspire and train others in the “how to’s” of sharing our faith.

I know if you invite David to lead a seminar, preach for you, or train folks in evangelism, you will be so glad you did. When you have him as your guest, you will see the impact that a dedicated servant of God can have when he points folks back to doing what God made us to do.

May the LORD bless you in your work in Jesus’ name!

Nick Garland

Pastor Ken Whitten

Idlewild Baptist Church; Lutz, Florida

It is my joy to recommend to you a man whom I believe is one of the most consistent, personal soul winners and a man who has a deep passion for evangelism.  Of course, I’m talking about my friend, David Burton.  As you may be aware, and are concerned as I am, we are experiencing a real evangelism drought in our churches and in our convention.  Baptisms are at an all-time low, and men like David want to help us reverse that trend.  As our Evangelism Director in Florida, he led us to be one of the top states in baptisms every year. 

David is a great preacher of God’s Word and is currently leading state conventions, associations, and churches to be better equipped in the area of personal evangelism in one-day workshops, conferences, and retreats that range from Students to Adults.  He has never been more excited about the fields that our Lord Jesus said are “white unto harvest.”

It is without reservation that I recommend David Burton to you and your church for a one-day training event or to fill your pulpit to engage your people into the great adventure of winning souls.  You’ll be glad you did.



Ken Whitten

Dr. Greg F. Jackson

First Southern Baptist Church; Camden, Ohio

What a blessing and privilege it is for me to recommend Evangelist David Burton to you. Nearly twenty years ago I heard David challenge a group of pastors at the Pastor’s Conference in Jacksonville and can still remember the impression he made on me. Recently we had him back for a second Revival and what a week it was. Lives were changed and hearts renewed.

If you are looking for someone to challenge your folks to share their faith like never before then David Burton Ministries is worth your consideration. He is fun, energetic,
and your people will love him as he engages them in his messages.

His twenty-six years as Evangelism Director for the Florida Baptist Convention has built many bridges, and has made him a sought after speaker with tremendous passion and
experience. I love the fact he goes to big churches and small country churches as well.

I would encourage you to look at his website and purchase the tools he makes available to engage in Gospel conversations. He can train your whole church.
For your next Revival, weekend, or one-day training event, please consider David Burton Ministries.

Until He comes…we will go!


Dr. Greg F. Jackson

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